

Why Lost?

"If names are not correct, language will not be in accordance with the truth of things." ~Confucius

Why Lost Studios? this is mostly the second question we get here at lost. First being what do you do? (for those who are still wondering we bring big agency ideas and production to small companies).

In the first round of names we had a lot going around. From first name combos to esoteric sounding initials. It just wasn't there, so back to the proverbial drawing board and looking to what influenced me to live a creative life.

The idea came while reading something Dr Daniel Levitin said regarding music and the link to the brain and creativity. The first album I bought was The Lost Boys Soundtrack on cassette and it made a undoubted impression upon me. Played till death, back and forward in my Walkman, many frustrated moments forwarding the large gap at the end of side B to get back to that Jimmy Barnes & INXS headliner on side A.

The Lost Boys film itself is one of the great pop culture moments, one that cost countless late  rental fees for me. It was something within the story, the outlaws, the struggles of the modern family unit, that great Granpa, those cool kids. The urge to be what others wanted you to be 'join us Michael'. But like many of the lessons shown to you in life, its not until years later do you understand the message. The need to stand for what you believe in and who you are, regardless of the crowd.

So when the name Lost appeared, not only was it fun, meaningful and personal but it also held itself up to the scope of where we want to grow as a company. Allowing for Multi-branding options, from the current Lost Studios, to our future projects under Lost Productions, Lost Magazine, and our creative representation agency Lost Girls & Boys. The limits and opportunities are endless. On that lets have a classic track from that album.

Music From The Motion Picture - The Lost Boys

“It ain't what they call you, it's what you answer to.”
― W.C. Fields


Stephen JWComment