

Trading Online Vouchers info


With only 23% of Irish business engaged in e-commerce sales, while over 70% of online purchases in Ireland are from overseas markets.

With changing technology, shopping habits and trends its important for all businesses and in particular small business to stay affront and on top of consumer trends and keep their business relevant and profitable.

In comes the trading online voucher a National Digital strategy scheme to get a further 2,000 businesses trading online.

Its a matching fund voucher to the tune of €2,500 or 50% of the costs of getting your business in the game.

There are some stipulations,

  • Must have limited online trading at the moment.

  • Less than 10 employees

  • Turnover less than €2Million (I don't think you would need it if it was much more!)

  • Trading for at least 12 Months (Important one)

Can be used for lots of fun stuff.

  • Development or upgrade of e-commerce site

  • Online payment or booking system

  • Purchase of internet software

  • Upgrade your current site to mobile friendly version (super important with the mass migration to mobile)

  • Purchase of online advertising (30% cost of adverts, rest to company)

  • Developing an App

  • Developing digital marketing strategy, photography etc..

  • Training and things like that.

There are a few steps in the process they can be found here:

Get in touch with Lost and we can help you through the process and get the best bang for your voucher.

The end date is soon so if you don't want to miss out better get on it.